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During this time please read the instructions carefully and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us. Ensure that you have provided all the medical information and list of medications you are taking and ANY Allergies.
Usually, you will have a minimum of 2 weeks’ time from the date you provide us the signed consent form for Hair Transplantation.
  • - If for any reason you have difficulty in following the instructions then please let us know before the surgery.
  • - Please notify us of any other surgery planned during 8 weeks prior to Hair Transplantation or for 8 weeks following it.
  • -If you’ve had any surgery or admission for any major medical problems, for example a heart attack, within one year before Hair Transplantation please inform us immediately.
  • - We may have to take specific precautions based on your medical history.


You must stop Beta-blockers and certain other medications. We will ask you to liaise with the GP/Consultant who started these medications and will follow their advice. We will change medication only on their advice

Hair Length for Surgery

For FUE, we need to shave the back and sides of the head. Usually, the front and top of the head can be left unshaven which helps disguise any evidence of the procedure post-op. For FUE arrive with your hair short, especially at the back and sides so we can shave what we need to


We advise you take one week off from work to avoid the potential complications


You can do exercise up to the day prior to surgery but please follow post-op instructions after the surgery

Three weeks before surgery

Please make arrangements to stay the previous night in a nearby hotel if you are travelling from out of town. Also make arrangements to stay overnight on the day of surgery and make sure that you have someone to take you home. Avoid driving for 24 hours after surgery

Ten days before surgery

Stop any artificial fibres or any other products you use to increase the hair thickness.

On the day of surgery

Have a full breakfast and your medications unless advised otherwise by us. Please make sure that you follow any special instruction given to you regarding your medications You can wear anything that you feel comfortable with but avoid wearing any clothing that must be pulled over your head to remove. This prevents any damage to or dislodging of the newly placed grafts.

One hour before surgery

You will get a full document of these instructions. Including any complications that could occur with surgery and your surgeon will talk you through these and any concerns you may have A copy of this form will be signed by you as our patient to show that all steps were taken prior to surgery and that you have understood everything


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