High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)



What is a HIFU or skin tightening facial?

As the name suggests, a HIFU facial uses ultrasound energy for skin tightening, making it a rather non-invasive and painless treatment. The energy used encourages the production of collagen, which results in you getting the firmer, tighter skin that you have always desired.

Important points to note about this particular facial

The ultrasound energy is used to target the layers of the skin that are right below its surface. The energy makes the tissue heat up quickly. After the skin cells in the designated area reach a particular temperature, they begin to go through cellular damage, which helps in the stimulation of the cells to manufacture more collagen. This is a protein that gives your skin structure.

The boosted collagen production gives your skin a firmer and tighter feel and look, reducing wrinkles, as also noted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Because the ultrasound beams are targeted to certain tissue sites under the surface of the skin, the upper layers of the skin and adjacent tissue suffer no damage.

Patients who have a high degree of loose skin or with photodamaged skin may require multiple sessions to see the desired results.

Older people with severe skin laxity, very saggy skin, or extensive photo-aging may not be ideal candidates for this treatment. Moreover, a HIFU facial is not recommended for people with metallic implants near the treatment area, cystic acne, open skin lesions, and infections.

Benefits of this treatment

A HIFU facial has nearly countless benefits for your skin. As noted by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, it has gained immense popularity over the last few years. Such a facial can:

Smoothen the skin

Tighten the décolletage

Enhance the jawline definition

Lift eyelids, eyebrows, and cheeks

Tighten sagging neck skin, which is often called ‘turkey neck’

Reduce wrinkles


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